9. 10. 2024 seminar of accidental wisdom: Stephanie Kiwitt

Stephanie Kiwitt

seminar of accidental wisdom: Stephanie Kiwitt


Stephanie Kiwitt (born 1972 in Bonn, DE), pursued her studies in photography at the itf, Opava University and later at the Academy of Visual Arts in Leipzig. Her photographic work, featured in both exhibitions and published books, delves into the exploration of places that embody contemporary phenomena and bear marks of transformation. She employs a diverse array of images, multiple perspectives, image-based narrative structures, and textual elements in her work. 


Currently, Kiwitt is focused on the human landscapes of rural Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, where she captures signs of change and conducts interviews with residents. 


Her recent projects in this context – Flächenland, Fortlaufend and S. Anders leben. Eine Handlung in Gesprächen – were shown in exhibitions at Kunstmuseum Magdeburg, the Werkleitz Centre for Media Art, and Historisches Museum Schloss Köthen. In 2023, her publication Flächenland was published by Spector Books. 


From 2018 to 2020, Stephanie Kiwitt was a lecturer in photography at the LUCA School of Arts in Brussels. In 2020, she curated the X. Fotograf Festival in Prague together with Anna Voswinckel and Tereza Rudolf. Since 2020, she has been the professor of communication design and photography at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design in Halle (Saale).