13. 11. 2024 Seminar of Accidental Wisdom: Žil Julie Vostalová

seminar of accidental wisdom: Žil Julie Vostalová
Žil Julie Vostalová is a visual artist and designer. She works with various media, primarily focusing on the creation of digital textile and clothing intended for bothaudiovisual and physical outputs. In fashion design, she emphasizes no-waste cutsand the technique of assembling second-hand materials. She understands the worldthrough the lens of matter, perceiving the disintegration of traditional forms as a creative principle. She develops the concept of PhyGital Fashion™, which exploresthe convergence of traditional textile methods with emerging digital technologies. Sheworks in Prague and, as part of her PhD program in Research and Theory ofAudiovision at FAMU, she investigates the intersections of textile colonial waste and emerging digital infrastructures. She understands digital garment prototyping as a new form of technique and craft.
Weaving Infinity: Between Tradition and New Media
The computer has become our sewing machine. Although we work with infinitelymalleable data, we are still constrained by the dimensions of industrial revolution-eramachines. Therefore, there is a need to reconsider how digital data shapes ourmaterial and haptic experiences, which are central to fashion design. The concept ofdigital twins is influenced by visual and material morphology, and it operates within a different temporality. What does the convergence of these worlds look like—usedmaterials, sustainable approaches in creation, and emerging digital infrastructures? Do our eyes receive any haptic sensations? These questions guide my efforts to decipher the connection between digitization and sustainability in garment and textilecreation. Through the collective re-contextualization of waste and participatory design practices, the research investigates how the digital object relates to sustainability in practical terms, and what advantages or disadvantages it offers for clothing design.