15. 11. 2023 seminar of accidental wisdom: Libuše Jarcovjáková

Seminar of Accidental Wisdom: Libuše Jarcovjáková
Personal, authentic, raw - synonyms that most often appear in
connection with my work. Since my early youth, I have used the camera as a tool for self-knowledge, as a basic navigational tool, and as a basic means of self-expression. Gradually I came to the conclusion that what appears to be the most intimate and personal statement can become a universal message. Those ordinary and mundane things and events that are so close to us that we don't even notice them can be a challenge to a great photographic adventure. And also a tool for understanding oneself and one's place in the world. I would like to share this experience with you.
Libuše Jarcovjáková is currently one of the most influential and visible Czech photographers at home and abroad. In recent years, she has received attention thanks to a number of international exhibitions, for example in Arles, France, where she was the star of the 50th edition of the famous Les Rencontres d'Arles, or more recently thanks to her participation in the exhibition Multiple Realities: Experimental Art in the Eastern Bloc, 1960s - 1980s at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, USA. Libuše Jarcovjáková (*1952) graduated from FAMU in Prague. For many years she photographed the Roma and Vietnamese community in Czechoslovakia and the famous Prague LGBTQ bar, T-Club. After 1985 she legally moved to West Berlin. After returning to the Czech Republic in 1992, she began teaching photography at a number of art colleges. Her original photography books Black Years (2017) and Evokativ (2019) are among the gems of their genre.