29. 11. 2023 seminar of accidental wisdom: Matěj Smetana

seminar of accidental wisdom: Matěj Smetana
In his media-diverse realizations, Matěj Smetana (*1980) seems to rely on questions such as "What would happen if..." or "What would it look like if...". He transforms signs, symbols, selected visual phenomena, or even existing products (clocks, boards, etc.) according to chosen rules. The result is a mutation and accumulation of meaning with a kind of "poetic overhang" as a seemingly side effect.
(Jiří Ptáček for Art&Antiques)
Smetana graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno and completed his doctoral studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. In 2023, he was appointed associate professor at FaVU. Between 2011 and 2020 he worked as a lecturer at the Department of Intermedia and Multimedia at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava. In 2015, he joined the Environment Studio at FaVU in Brno as an assistant, and two years later he started teaching at the Department of Art Education at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno. In 2009, he won the audience award at the Other Visions show at the PAF festival in Olomouc, and in 2014 he was nominated for the Oskar Čepan Award. Since autumn 2023, he has been leading the Drawing Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague together with Alice Nikitinová. He regularly exhibits in the Czech Republic and abroad. He lives in Prague.