4. 12. 2024 Seminar of Accidental Wisdom: Borbála Szalai seminar of accidental wisdom: Borbála Szalai4. 12. 2024Borbála Szalai (b. 1983) is a curator based in Budapest, Hungary. She graduated at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest at the Department of Art History. Since 2018 she is the director of the non-profit gallery Trafó Gallery, where she has been working as a curator since 2012. She has been a member of the curatorial team of OFF-Biennale Budapest since 2015.https://trafo.hu/en/trafo_gallery/ Image: Crying until laughing | exhibition view | In the middle: Pauline Curnier Jardin: Qu’un Sang Impur (Bled Out), 2019 (video, 16’05”) | Trafó Gallery, Budapest, 2022 | photo: Dávid BiróCurated by Johan Gustavsson & Clara Pallí Monguilod, 1646, The Hague