6. 12. 2023 seminar of accidental wisdom: SOWING UNREST / Zasévání neklidu

seminar of accidental wisdom: SOWING UNREST / Zasévání neklidu
AlekseiBorisionok and Katalin Erdődi, curatorsoftheupcomingMatterof Art Biennale in Prague (2024) willshareworkexperiences and researchinterests in a seminarofaccidentalwisdom. Graftingtwocuratorial lines intooneproject, thecuratorswilllookathowhistoricalstruggles in rural and urbancontextsresonatewiththecontemporary moment and enableus to thinkabout more emancipatorypossible futures.
Katalin Erdődifocuses on ruralchange as socialchange, interested in ruralrealitiesthat are oftenunderrepresented in contemporary public discourse and culturalproduction. Togetherwithartists, sheinitiatesresearch-driven, context-specificcollaborations and invitespeoplefrom very differentwalksoflife to a processofcollectivecreationthatforegrounds diverse formsofknowledge and livedexperience, and thusfostersheterogenous and pluri-vocal ruralcounterpublics, inspired by Nancy Fraser'snotionofsubalterncounterpublics and Chantal Mouffe's call foragonistic public spheres.