final foto famu 2017
15. 9. – 24. 9. 2017
GAMU, Malostarnské náměstí 12, Prague 1
September 15th – 24th 2017
opening: September 14th 2017 /6pm
Galerie AMU /Malostranské náměstí 12, 11800 Praha
Elisaveta Gershkovich, Valentýna Janů, Šimon Levitner, Johana Novotná, Petr Pustina, Karol Sekta, Elena Semerikova, Jonáš Verešpej
curated by: Štěpánka Šimlová and Jiří Thýn
Exhibition of BcA./ MgA. student works from the Department of Photography, FAMU.
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The AMU Gallery’s exhibition program is made possible by the financial support of the Prague City Hall and of the Ministry of Culture Czech Republic.
GAMU (Galerie AMU)
Malostranské náměstí 12, Praha 1
(entrance from the passage to Tržiště Street)
Open daily except Mondays: 10 am –12 pm and 1 – 6 pm.