fotofutures 2023
6.6. – 30.6.2023
Kampus Hybernská, Praha
fotofutures 2023
Graduate exhibition of the FAMU Department of Photography
The exhibition of graduation projects presents current art work in the field of photography and new media from the studios of Classic Photography, Documentary Photography, New Aesthetics, Imaginative Photography, and Intermedia.
Michael Amico
Karina Golisová
Natálie Hájková
Ava Holtzman
Hang Kwan Hon
Sarah Kidder
Yu-Cheng Lin
Jonathan-Antonín Machander
Ida Olivia Felice Morris Andersén
Eva Palčič
Tobiáš Páral
Jakub Pavlík
Natálie Pešková
Anežka Pithartová
Adam Rolex
Kacper Senkowski
Borek Smažinka
Václav Sobek
Cyprian Sprawka
Raphael Taterka
Maksym Toussaint
Jakub Tulinger