8. 11. 2023 seminar of accidental wisdom: Tereza Štětinová

Seminar of Accidental Wisdom: Tereza Štětinová
Don't expect an expert lecture. I will informally talk about the journey from photography to sculpture. About motivation. About collaboration. About perseverance. I'll show my work. And I'll try to answer all the student's questions. The ones I know the answer to.
Tereza Štětinová studied photography at FAMU in Prague, but her current work does not only capture the form of things. She creates it in her sculptural object work, which explores the possibilities of natural materials, layers of various surfaces, and scales that open up to further dialogue.
The natural element also relates to her work thematically. The material processed by the human hand creates links between man and nature. Her work touches on themes of mythology and mysticism. She works with archetypes of wings, masks and gestures, as well as attributes of unspecified cultures. She processes the symbolic meaning of elusive phenomena in her raw material, using objects to create her own landscape, making present the relics of man in different times and places.