studio of classic photography
doc. MgA. Martin Stecker
head of the classic photography studio
MgA. Jan Douša
assistant of the classic photography studio
MgA. David Stecker
assistant of the classic photography studio
studio of intermedia
doc. Mgr. Štěpánka Šimlová
head of intermedia studio
MgA. Jiří Procházka
assistant of intermedia studio
studio of new aesthetics
doc. MgA. Hynek Alt
head of the studio of new aesthetics
Jen Kratochvil
assistant of the new aesthetics studio
studio of documentary strategies
MgA. Markéta Kinterová Ph.D.
head of the documentary strategies studio
MgA. Veronika Daňhelová
assistant of the documentary strategies studio
studio of imaginative photography
prof. Mgr. Rudo Prekop
head of the imaginative photography studio
MgA. Veronika Čechmánková
assistant of head of the department and of the imaginative photography studio
conservation and restoration photography
MgA. Lenka Lesenská
restoration and conservation of photography
theory and history of photography
doc. Mgr. Tomáš Dvořák Ph.D.
theory and history of photography, media and visual culture
Mgr. Josef Ledvina Ph.D.
theory and history of art
Mgr. Michal Šimůnek Ph.D.
theory of photography and new media
specialized teachers
MgA. David Stecker
assistant of the classic photography studio
MgA. Barbora Kloučková Stejskalová
new media and multimedia, production
MgA. Jakub Štěpánek Ph.D.
graphic design
PharmDr. Jan Měřička
silk-screen printing
Ing. Jiří Petera
chemical and digital processing of photography
Mgr. Vladan Krumpl
optical basics of photography and digital imaging
MgA. Jan Maštera
prepress & technology
MgA. Ladislav Babuščák
picture and its context
MgA. Evgenii Smirnov
coordinator of english program
MgA. Marcel Stecker
studio photography
Jarmila Steckerová
technical and economic administrator
MgA. Jan Maštera
prepress & technology
MgA. Barbora Kloučková Stejskalová
new media and multimedia, production
MgA. Veronika Čechmánková
assistant of head of the department and of the imaginative photography studio
MgA. Evgenii Smirnov
coordinator of english program